This restaurant is actually very near 忠孝东路四段 - 川妹子

Supposedly SzeChuan, it tasted really Singaporean to me because it is very much ZiCha 煮炒 style and very heavily spiced with chillies and soya sauce.

Look at these fried beancurds... picture speaks a thousand words... Yes, those were cooking oil floating around the sides but it really doesn't taste as oily as you imagine it would be, in fact you barely taste it.

This one is a cold dish - forgot the name. I think we can get this in SG, cold chicken meat with peanuts and sesame seeds, and flavored with red chopped chillies; it is made up of 50% veges (underneath) so as the best way to eat this is one bite of meat with one bite of vege. I m not a big fan of cold dishes but this one is an OK for me. An extra 5 points to the beautiful Orchid for garnishing :D

I m not kidding about the rice, it really tasted like how those cooking shows would describe their professionally prepared rice - smooth textured individual grain and yet well put together w/o being too sticky. I hate sticky rice or rice that are too wet... this is just about right

This one is York's recommendation and i figured it was his favorite dish. It is a typical Chinese dish - you just need a little helping of this and you will fill yourself w two mouthful of white rice, and you will immediately feel the urge to want to get another helping.... vicious circle! This IS what I call the killer dish - for people on a diet please dont try this, you will be carb overdosed before you know it :(

Credit must definitely go to York Li.

I am sure this is in my must-go list for all future Taipei trips!

Jalan jalan around to try to burn some calories...

Taiwanese are so polite inside train stations - something I think I will never ever see in Sg's train stations - not in a million years! How strange. Both are heavily chinese populated countries yet 一个天 一个地 What a SHAME! :(

Si Ling Night Market, at Jian Tan Station. Behind is a small hill... how lovely

I remember I first tasted 鸡排 (HAHHA....! Sounds really vulgar) when I was in NS. Also in taiwan, but the degree of spiciness then is something to these days have yet to be matched.

Night has fallen ... time to head back to hotel :D

At Ximen station, these two duno see see what - point point at buildings opposite the road ...

I confess, I am a city boy. To me Taipei's night sceneries are breathtaking. arh..... :*) 越夜越美丽

Both Eddy and me got ourselves a drink from this stall on our way back to TS Hotel

By now, guess what, we are at KTV! hahaha.... sing sing song song! LIM and LIM.... in Taipei, they actually add prunes into beer and for once I actually enjoy beer!

That's Eddy's ex-housemate in SG - Joe. And his bf is NaNa. hahaha....

State of drunkardness take picture also blur blur liao...
Yes, we have to go back to 川妹子 again for our future TPE trips, I think we still have a lot of other dishes to try out..
Urrgh! You making me miss Taipei!! :p
Am I? Are you?
Miss Taipei?!!!!!!!
You can be Miss Anything la
hahaa..... Oh watch yr tiara, falling off liao
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