Friday, July 10, 2009

Play it safe, use a condom

I read this somewhere and I thought I share it with my friends:

"HIV is no picnic, unlike so many Aids council brochures and campaigns seem to (with all good intention I'm sure) imply. Sorry, but I disagree. From what I've seen: You do not go climbing mountains like Magic Johnson when you have HIV. One thing my mate told me stuck with me - he likened HIV to his shadow, to a ghost: it follows you wherever you go, it haunts you 24/7, 365 days a year for the rest of your life. He said "the last thing I know before I fall asleep is that it's there, inside me. The first thing I think of when I wake up is: another day with HIV by my side. HIV is the most loyal and trustworthy partner I've ever had. HIV will never cheat on you or leave you for someone else." That sure scared the hell out of me!! And if someone's scared into having safer sex thanks to my comment, then so much the better! This is not something to be playing games with." MR DISCODAN, Fridae

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