Uncle Goh "Dian Zhi".
His secrets to camouflaging his grey hairs (millions of them) = dress them up in light colours. Light browns, Ash or Ambers...
And his oversized glamour shades = its strategic distraction.
CK "peace!"
The event planner.

Ah Mah "Why I get a D!?"
Try this : "Maybe I jus dun like you. If you make an effort to be likeable.. maybe... i may just give you a pass."
Winnie "Perm lashes gone wrong"
Someone insisted that i put tis up *puzzled* Got people like that one meh...
Guess her biological clock's ticking... tick tick tick
Her perception of married mums wth kids = 黃臉婆
She would like to be addressed = 老處女
BTW its really not a compliment that someone gave up his seat for you in the train (Thx to Fy's little pregnancy dress!!!)
I once did for a lady and of cos she happened to be sooo not-pregnant.
Her face turned BLACK almost immediately! LOL

I still love chinese.
I love the blouse Fyen gave me. Someone actually offer me a seat! I am now the reversible pregnant woman :)
Hey, you are the one to say you want to do a 黃臉婆 vs 老處女 blog entry hor...
Fyen, CK specially took these food pixs for you.
yah he want to make me drool, but heng i tried DTF when i was back in spore. i think the food so over rated. for xiao long bao, i think neil road wan still the best. :-)~
tat neil road one - i jus dun get it!
nice meh...............?
wei, place lork doesnt mean food no nice ok....hygiene C type prepare most delicious food! lol...
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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