Today Uncle Goh called to gently remind me that there has been a lot of anger in my recent entries so out of concern he was just curious to know why... I have been very calm and happy lately, I have not been pulling a long face to work or snapping at people; Uncle Goh don't think too much. Blogging has just become my own way of detoxing my inner system - mentally and spiritually. I just write about certain things that I have no answers to or, even about an event that had taken place which I couldn't understand the cause of it... sometimes I get frustrated and I just needed to flush it out of me. It is just like shitting - when it gets a little 'tough' to 'let go' it can be a pain, but after you have gotten it all out of your system it really lightens you up! So, it isn't such a negatively thing really.
Was at Tantric a few hours ago, helping out doing some volunteering work with AFA. We were conducting HIV test for MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) on-site with the Oral kit. Our job was simple and very harmless. Basically facilitating the test for the MSM patrons free of charge and patrons do the anonymous test voluntarily, it was not a compulsory test. Previously at certain on-site venue, the test was made compulsory by the owner of the location. While we were trying our best to do our part in helping out the local gay community to reach out to as many MSM as possible hoping that by doing these on-site tests more people will actually come forward to get tested, there was this one guy who I had a little short 'conversation' with:
Mr X: You shouldn't be here. I don't think it is right. This isn't a proper place here for you to conduct the test.
Me: It is just a screening test that we are doing here. Results will only show post+ or Neg-. Even if it is post+, you need to get tested again at the clinic... for a more accurate result.
X: There isnt any doctor here. And I don't tink u shloud be doing this at a bar!
Me: We are trying to reach out to people who do not go to the clinic or hospital to get tested. And this is totally voluntarily, it is entirely up to you to get tested.
X: I wont do it. I feel that it is not right for you to be here.
Me: Well, thank you for your feedback.
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