Saturday, June 02, 2007

Father's Day gift


covantai said...

Wah! Looks good!

Cupooftea said...

wah kiong, you very reeech hor these days?!?! pamper yourself and famelee too :)

so did daddy give you a hug, or add extra fishballs to your noodles he TA BAO for you?

Ah Kiong said...

I am determine to spend it all as long as I live.
You be nice to me then you get a biggie too at yr birthday - thats if i remember when lah :P

Buaya said...

How come I dun have birthday presents then? :p

Ah Kiong said...

Everytime jio u out wth jeff always not free still wan present ah?

fyen said...

ah kiong is so good boy. *thumbs up*

Cupooftea said...

my bday is 17 nov :)

Philip. said...

Nice watch!!!